What are visual prompts and how can we use them? Shari answers these questions in this vlog!
Vlog: Taking Risks
Taking risks is an important part of a child’s growth. Shari tackles how we can encourage our kids to be safe, but also to take some risks.
Vlog: The Bouncer & The Cheerleader
Shari explores the important difference between being a Bouncer and a Cheerleader when working with youth.
Vlog: The “ABC”s of Behaviour: Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequence (Part 2)
This is Part 2 of The ABCs of Behaviour: Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequence. In this Vlog Shari looks at categories of consequences and how they can be managed for positive growth. …
Vlog: The “ABC”s of Behaviour: Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequence (Part 1)
This is Part 1 of The ABCs of Behaviour: Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequence. In this Vlog Shari explores common antecedents that can lead to behaviour in children. Part 2 of this …
Vlog: Praise in Public, Punish in Private
In this Vlog Shari explores the “4 Ps” of working with children: praise in public, punish in private.
Vlog: Rules
Shari shares her philosophy about rules in this vlog – that they should be clear, concise and easy to remember.
Vlog: Schedules
In this Vlog Shari explores how the use of schedules and routines can be really helpful for our kids and teens. She also details how we use these practices at …
Kodiak Vlogs
One of our Directors, Shari Stoch, explains our new project for Kodiak on the web – Vlogs for families with helpful strategies and advice for working with individuals with learning …
“Speak Up and Get Along” – A Kodiak Book Review
All parents want their kids to get along with others, have friends, and stand up for themselves. For some children, these goals are harder to achieve than for others, and …