
COVID-19 Policy - 2023

COVID-19 continues to present a health risk for people. While we believe whole-heartedly in the importance of camp experiences for our campers and Club guests, we also feel that protecting our community and keeping people safe and healthy is a top priority. As such, we have established the following policies:

Vaccination: Vaccination against COVID-19 is not mandatory, but it is very highly recommended. For maximum protection, we recommend trying to get an updated booster shot within the month before coming to Camp Kodiak or Club Kodiak.

Reducing exposure: Please reduce your risk of possible exposure to COVID-19 in the 5-7 days prior to coming to Camp Kodiak or Club Kodiak. You are not required to isolate, but we ask you to socialize with non-household members outdoors or wear a mask when indoors. Please wear a mask in the airport and while traveling to Toronto by plane.

Illness at Camp/Club: If a person is displaying unexplained symptoms of COVID-19, the medical staff will perform a Rapid Antigen Test.

Any camper/guest/staff member who tests positive for COVID-19 will isolate at Camp Kodiak or Club Kodiak until they are no longer contagious (i.e., they test negative on a Rapid Antigen Test).

Isolating at Camp/Club: It is our intention to isolate any campers/guests/staff with COVID-19 at Camp Kodiak or Club Kodiak. However, as with any injury or illness, if their symptoms are very severe and/or cannot be managed safely at Camp/Club, they may be required to go home until they are better.

When campers/staff are isolating at camp, they will be supervised by our health care team. Campers will have access to their personal belongings (e.g., books, electronic devices, crafts, etc.) to entertain themselves. We will also provide them with activities suitable for their energy level and how they’re feeling e.g., going outside for socially distanced walks while wearing a mask). Parents are welcome to contact the health center for updates on their child’s progress.

Once symptoms are:
Improving for 24 hours (48 hours for gastrointestinal symptoms), AND
The person does not have a fever
campers/guests/staff will be able to participate in outdoor activities unmasked but will need to wear a mask for indoor activities. They will continue to eat and sleep in an area of isolation to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Exiting Isolation: Once the camper/guest/staff has tested negative on a Rapid Antigen Test, they will return to their cabin group.

Day of Arrival at Camp: Please perform a Rapid Antigen Test on the day of your arrival at Camp Kodiak or Club Kodiak. If you do not have access to a RAT, we are happy to provide you with one upon your arrival at the bus pick-up location, airport, or at Camp/Club.

To increase the accuracy of your RAT results, please use the sampling procedure below for self-testing.
Using a single testing swab:
Swab the inside of each cheek for 5 seconds
Swab the back of the throat for 5 seconds
Using a circular motion, swab each nostril for 5 seconds, inserting the swab at least 1.25 centimetres (0.5 inches) until mild resistance is felt
Compress the nostril and rotate the tip for 5 seconds

Masking: Campers/guests/staff will be required to wear a medical grade mask when in the Health Centre and upon direction from the medical or administrative staff (such as wearing a mask in crowded indoor spaces if there is an ongoing COVID-19 outbreak at Camp Kodiak or Club Kodiak.) Campers/guests/staff will wear 3-ply or medical masks in crowded indoor spaces when they are off camp property, such as when staff are in town on a day off.

Air quality: After consultation with an engineer that specializes in air quality, we have decided to add air purifiers to each cabin that accommodates more than 3 people. We will also be adding air purifiers to any indoor spaces that tend to be crowded with groups of people from a variety of cabins, such as the Dining Hall and Staff Lounge. Windows will also be kept open as much as possible, and window fans will be used to increase the air exchange in indoor spaces.

For more information, please contact us at: (905) 569-7595 or

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