In the first blog of this series, I mentioned that stepping up and advocating for our children provides a model for them of how to resolve problems. Ultimately, we want …
Being Your Child’s Advocate – Part 5: Everybody has a boss
In any large system like education, there are many layers of management, oversight, and accountability. In some ways, these layers can create burdens and obstacles to progress; but in other …
Being Your Child’s Advocate – Part 4: Make sure you know these seven truths
Often, I speak with parents who feel like they have no choices about their child’s education or that the school is doing something to their child instead of engaging in …
Being Your Child’s Advocate – Part 3: Don’t be afraid to lead
In the last blog post, I talked about building a positive working relationship between home and school []. Today I’m going to talk about the parent taking the lead in …
Being Your Child’s Advocate – Part 2: Becoming the right kind of dance partner
In the last post I talked about good advocacy being a bit like a dance. For any dance to work, the partners need to trust each other and coordinate their efforts …
Being Your Child’s Advocate – Part 1
Our children’s school lives seem to happen in a universe that is very separate from us. The social organization of having so many children together with relatively few adults is …
Vlog: Prompts
Shari explores prompts – cues that are given to learners who are trying to master a new concept. She outlines four types of prompts – physical prompts, modelling, verbal prompts …
Vlog: Visual Prompts
What are visual prompts and how can we use them? Shari answers these questions in this vlog!
Vlog: Taking Risks
Taking risks is an important part of a child’s growth. Shari tackles how we can encourage our kids to be safe, but also to take some risks.
Vlog: Chores
In this Vlog Marni talks about the importance of chores in a child’s development and how we tackle chores at Camp.