In this week’s blog we hear from a long-time member of the Kodiak family who has shared some information on how to fundraise for camp fees. Thank you so much Dianne, John and Kayla for this information – I’m sure it will be so helpful for future Kodiak families!
Camp Kodiak was an extremely important step in our granddaughter’s life! Kayla grew leaps and bounds with personal growth such as confidence, passion and the desire to do better. As grandparents raising Kayla we had to think outside the box for funding to have Kayla attend this wonderful camp that was a 6 hour drive south from our home. We live in Northern Ontario and we were determined that we would manage to get her there; sometimes friends accompanied me as grandpa could not drive as he had to work!
For us, some sacrifices were made, but with never a moment of regret. Kodiak is worth every dollar and I will share how we were able to get some financial assistance. Kayla has a learning difficulty and we were able to receive some assistance from Special Services at Home which is a provincial program in Ontario, Canada.
I also set up a letter explaining Kayla’s wish to attend Camp Kodiak and sent these letters to several service groups in our community. They were: The Lion’s Club, The Rotary Club, The Kinsmen Club, Kiwanis Club, The Armouries, Les Filles d’Isabelle, Our Kids Media, and The President’s Choice Children’s Charity (Toronto Office).
We also had a few Spaghetti Dinners, one of them included an auction. Our last event we ordered pre-made lasagnas from our local Italian Club – this was a huge success! For those who were not able to come for the dinner this was a great option for them to contribute to Kayla attending camp. You could also do a spring yard sale. I am sure we all have something we can part with and become someone else’s treasure!!
We must not forget the private donations from family and friends that we are forever grateful for. Printing tickets and advertising is easy: we now have so much technology at our disposal, even strangers supported us, a meal was provided and stories were shared. As I have once said “It takes a village to assist in the success of our children, including Camp Kodiak, family, friends and community support.” So “Reach Out” and you will find that village – small or large donations go a long way.
Kayla to this day has contact with many of the friends she has met during her five-year attendance to Kodiak and one friend in particular we have become family friends! The girls are still making plans for the future!
Kayla is now completing her first year of college and has just accepted a 3 year Graphic Design Program. We are very proud of the young woman she has become and we know in our hearts and comments from friends that Camp Kodiak was instrumental in her development and for that we are very grateful as Kayla is.
Thank you to all of you at Kodiak and we wish you success each and every year!
Dianne, John and Kayla